Saturday, January 29, 2011

My first blog!

Well, since this is my first entry of our family blog, I thought I should tell a little about our family.  Matt and I have been happily married for 3 years and currently call Portland, OR home.  Matt is a cardiac nurse and will hopefully be going to school for Nurse Anaesthesiology in about a year.  He works very hard to allow my to stay at home with our kids and we all appreciate him so much for it!  When he's not working or on daddy duty, he loves skiing, hiking,  or pretty much anything else he can do out doors.  He even ran his first marathon last summer!

My life is kids, kids, kids.  I put my career plans on hold to stay at home with our little darlings and haven't regretted it for a minute.  It's a bit exhausting since I am going non-stop from the second I wake up until the moment my head hits the pillow at night, but I absolutely love getting paid in hugs and kisses.  Hopefully I'll be able to use my degree (M.A. in Forensic Anthropology) when they go back to school, but until then I am enjoying all the time I get to spend with them.

Max is 21 months old and is our little pistol.  He is endlessly curious, loves to climb and isn't afraid of anything (except the evil vacuum), which really keeps me on my toes.  He loves reading and looking through books, animals, trucks, music, and of course, dirt.  He is tall, lean and handsome like Matt and shares his love of being outside.  His terrible twos have come on full-force, so there are days when I want to pull my hair out, but overall he is a very sweet, happy, and smart little man.  We couldn't love him more.

Evelyn is our 3 month old princess.  She gets more beautiful every day and we are having so much fun watching her little personality emerge.  Right now, she's a pretty serious little lady.  She stares at everything and everyone very intently like she's trying to figure things out.  She has discovered her voice in the last few weeks and loves to babble away.   Her sweet gummy smile can light up a room.  She is also one strong cookie.  She can already support her weight on her legs and rolled over for the first time last week!  I think she knows she is going to have to be tough to keep up with her big brother.  She's also an excellent sleeper, which I am grateful for.  She slept through the night for the first time at 5 weeks and now sleeps from about 8pm to 6:30am.  Of course Matt and I are very happy about that.

And finally there are the two furriest family members.  Jackson is our 8 year old yellow lab and Margie is a 5 year old border collie mix.  They have been SO good with the kids and Max adores them.

Thanks for taking the time to read our family blog and I hope you enjoy reading about our future adventures!

We can't resist those beautiful blue eyes!

Our stylish little gal


Nothing is better than a day at the park!