Before I really get started on this entry, I have to announce all the great news I've been receiving from friends and family. First off, my friend Frankie is PREGNANT! I'm ridiculously excited for her. She's due at the end of January, is feeling good, and will find out the sex next month. I just love hearing baby news! Next up is Stephanie who got a fantastic new job at an athletic club as the Head of Pilates. She gets normal hours, benefits and on-site day care for Will! Woohoo! My beautiful sister-in-law Ma got the wonderful news that her Lupis is finally in remission! Yea! I'm so very happy that she is feeling good again (although probably not as happy as she is). Plus, she is starting culinary school very soon, which I have a feeling is going to be a blast for her. My friend Anna is
this close to finishing her PhD and took a short break for a few weeks to take classes to become a yoga instructor. How cool is that? And finally my other SIL is excelling at her job, still traveling the world (off to Alaska on Thursday!), and has a swell guy in her life that makes her happy and treats her the way she deserves. Ahhhh. There are few things in life that warm the soul as much as good news from dear friends.
Ok, back on track. Play dates. I have had the great fortune of meeting some wonderful women here in the Portland area who all have sons the same age as Max. We met at Gymboree back before most of the boys could even walk. Over the last year we've become pretty good friends and our boys play so well together! We've recently decided to meet once a month for Mom's Night Out where we can just hang out without having to chase toddlers. A few of us still meet once a week at Gymboree, but we all get together once a week with the kids outside of Gymboree for play dates. I LOVE getting together with Meadowlark, Cindy, Megan, Jenn, and all the boys. Jenn's friend Jenny, who has two girls to add to the mix, has also joined in the fun. Now Evelyn isn't quite so outnumbered. Meadowlark and Jenn both had their second baby this year, so we're really adding to the crew and it's great! There are now 5 two-year-old boys, a two-year-old girl, a 13 month old girl, my 10 month old little lady, a 7 month old boy, and a 3 month old boy. Whew! Since the weather has been so nice lately, we've been meeting at different homes to just let the kids run around outside. I know it's been so great for Max. Especially since he doesn't go to day care where many kids develop their social skills. And now that Evelyn is getting a little older, I know it's going to be great for her as well. Frankly, it's been great for me too. These wonderful ladies help keep me sane. I get out of the house and have grown up conversations with intelligent, funny people who know exactly how challenging it can be to take care of kids as they go through the "terrible twos". Here are some pics of the boys...
Taking a break from playing in the pool |
I think I'd have a better chance at winning the Powerball than getting all the boys to pose at the same time |
At Megan's ranch! |
It's been such a pleasure getting to know this group and watching the kids get bigger, stronger and more active. I think these kids will remain friends as they get older- I know their moms will! :)
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