Before I get started on the many exciting adventures we've been on so far this year, I should mention the HUGE thing I failed to write about in my last post. On Christmas, we got the delightful news that my big brother and his beautiful wife will be parents this summer! I was beyond excited at the thought of Tyler, who I've looked up to and admired my entire life, and his delightful wife Ma becoming parents. They are both amazing, loving, intelligent, and funny people who are going to be fantastic parents. I can't wait to meet my first niece this August!
Well, shortly after Christmas, we took off for a quick visit to Montana. Even though we were only there for a few days, I was able to see some of my most favorite peeps and a brand new baby. We spent a wonderful evening with Matt's family and Julia's squeeze Evan, who gets the seal of approval from us because the kids love him. After that, Matt and I got to go on a grown up dinner with Joe and Stephanie. I LOVE double date nights! I was also able to get some one-on-one time with Stephanie and a martini night with her and Julia, which is turning out to be our new tradition. Thank goodness for Matt's parents who watched the kids while we were able to go out and have fun with our friends! While we were out, the kids got to play with Joe and Steph's son Will, who is cute as can be. I also got to go see my old friend Frankie who I missed last time I was there. She had just given birth to her beautiful baby boy Colby right before we got there. He was about three weeks early, but sweet and healthy. It was wonderful to see them both and I was so happy Frankie had Steph and I over even though she was dead tired. And last (but most certainly not least), I got to spend quite a bit of time with Krystal! She came all the way over from Havre so she could see us. I took the kids up to her mom Jody's house so they could play with Krystal's daughter Moriah. That night, Krystal and I got to do a little shopping and went out for dinner and drinks. And my cousin Aaron was bar tending at the restaurant we went to, so that was a nice bonus for the evening. It was a fun-filled whirlwind trip.
Evelyn and Max enjoying some sunshine at Grandma and Grandpop's house |
At the Missoula carousel |
The boys and their boys |
The most awesome girls in Missoula |
The kids weren't in to having their pictures taken |
I miss that sweet face! |
With my cousin Aaron |
LOVE this gal! |
New mama Frankie and beautiful Colby |
Shortly after we got back from Montana, my great friend Lynn came down from Seattle to spend my birthday with me. Needless to say, my 33rd birthday was a wonderful one! Lynn spoiled me by taking me out to a delicious Mexican restaurant. It was so nice to catch up over dinner and drinks. The weekend went too fast, but I had so much fun with her.
With Lynn at her first visit to Voodoo Doughnuts |
After a busy but fun January, we relaxed a bit in February, but ended the month with a trip down to Carson City to visit my parents. I have to say, it was the most relaxing trip I can remember taking. Matt was able to ski and gamble around Reno and Tahoe while I just hung out with my folks. We did a little shopping, a little baking (Max and Grammy always bake cookies when they see each other), and lots of fun trips to the park. It was so nice to not have a schedule and to be able to sleep in every day. I loved it!
Traveling is exhausting |
Fun with Daddy! |
Well, there has been so much more going on, but I'm going to stop for now. Coming up...birthdays, fire station visits, surgeries, and HAWAII!
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