Well, summer snuck up on us and once again it was time to go to Montana. As usual, it was a crazy, hectic, busy, fun whirlwind of a trip. When we arrived, we spend a couple of days with Matt's parents. Matt's godmother Carla and her husband Jim were also there as they were on their way up to Alaska. It was such a treat to see them since they live in Wisconsin and don't get to come out west very often. We had a great time catching up and were so happy they got to meet Evelyn.
A few of my favorite people |
Playing with Grandma |
Carla and Jim |
What's up there? |
My little monkeys |
After a couple of days, the kids and I took off north to visit Krystal and my family while Matt headed to Glacier Park with his sister to run the Waterton/Glacier Relay race. Before visiting family, we stayed in Havre with Krystal and family for a few days. We had so much fun! Max and Evelyn got along beautifully with Moriah (Krystal's daughter) and kept each other busy while Krystal and I got to catch up. Krystal's sister Amber is living in Havre now too, so I got to hang out with her as well. The girl time was fantastic. It breaks my heart that Krystal and I live so far away from each other, but it makes the time we do spend together that much more special. We get year's worth of talking done in just a few days. I'm sure her husband loves it. Ha! Ha!
Love, love, LOVE her! |
Our girls in their cute matching outfits, refusing to smile for us |
Young love |
You would never guess from the pictures we got that they got along so well |
After we said our sad goodbyes to Krystal and family, we headed to Great Falls to see my grandma, aunts, uncles and some cousins. I didn't take for granted one minute how lucky we were to be able to see my grandma. She just kicked lung cancer for the SECOND time! I loved sitting at her table chatting just like we've done since I was a child. And of course the kids had so much fun playing with all her toys and exploring her house. Many of those toys were the same ones I played with as a child. We had a BBQ one of the nights we were there and got to see everyone else. It was a great visit!
Max playing with Meghan |
With aunts Abby, Connie and Pam |
Grandma, Connie, Ron, Mark, Meghan and Pam |
We love Nana! |
And while I was visiting friends and family, Matt and Julia were running with the rest of their relay team through Glacier Park. It's something they are hoping to do every summer. They have a blast, and you can't beat the scenery!
Matt and Julia enjoying a perfect day at Glacier Park |
Well, this is getting to be pretty long, so I supposed I should wrap it up. The rest of our trip consisted of time at Flathead Lake at our timeshare, a double date with Julia and Evan, play time with Stephanie and Will, a martini night with Steph (much needed and so much fun!), another trip to Glacier Park with the kids, a date night with just Matt and I, time at Sue and Don's, a couple of trips to the cabin up at Rock Creek, and one fun night out with my good college buddy Sam, who was in town for a few days. The kids both ended up getting sick again and we spent a few hours at an Urgent Care clinic in Ronan, but we didn't have to go to the emergency room, so I suppose we did better than last year. Other than that, it was a nice trip and we were able to cram in a lot of fun!
Max and Will having a blast |
My boys |
Max is ALMOST too big to throw in the air, but not quite yet |
One of my favorite gals |
Date night! |
At Glacier Park. Next year, we'll try again when the kids aren't sick |
The cabin at Rock Creek |
Just relaxing |
Julia and Evan |
The family |
Hiking to Schwartz Lake |
Grandpop entertaining the kids on the 4th of July |
Evelyn and her infected bug bites. Not very fun for anyone |
Playing on the swing Grandpop put up for them |
Julia and Sue with Mary- old family friend who shares the land at Rock Creek |
Our friend at Sue and Don's who came to visit every night |
Downtown with Sammy D! |
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