I can't believe today is my third Mother's Day as a mommy! In honor of the occasion, I have compiled a list of observations and lessons I learned since becoming a mom.
1) Sleeping in as a single girl meant staying in bed until noon. Sleeping in as a parent means being able to stay in bed past 7am.
2) Spit up, drool, and snot have replaced earrings, bracelets and necklaces as go-to accessories.
3) There are two things parents have infinite supplies of: love and patience.
4) It takes 30 minutes to get the kids rounded up and ready to go for a 20 minute trip to the grocery store.
5) Kids learn everything at their own pace. You just have to sit back and let the process happen without worrying that they're not "keeping up" with other kids.
6) It's impossible not to worry about your kids.
7) Shopping for myself is not nearly as fun as shopping for my kids.
8) Sometimes it is REALLY hard to keep a straight face when trying to discipline an adorable toddler.
9) In under a minute, kids can make a perfectly clean living room look like it was hit by a hurricane.
10) Grey hair comes in twice as fast after kids.
11) Nothing makes me love my husband more than watching him play with our children.
12) I am willing to look like a complete idiot in public for the sake of making my kids laugh.
13) There is no sweeter sound than their laughter.
14) There is no sweeter sight than the kids sleeping peacefully.
15) Kissing a boo boo really does make it better.
16) The terrible twos begin at age one.
17) Looking into the eyes of my little ones makes me feel optimistic about the world. I know they are making it better just by being in it.
18) The most perfect parents are imperfect.
19) As a parent, it is really easy to read a dozen books in a day. They just all happen to be about 10 pages long and have lots of colorful pictures.
20) There is no love on Earth as powerful as the love a mother feels for her children.
The two most beautiful things I have ever laid eyes on. |