I feel like I could start every blog entry with "It's been a busy couple of weeks...". Life just doesn't seem to slow down at all. We're still moving forward at lightning speed. I can't believe May is almost over! I feel like it just started. Evelyn is already 7 months old! AND, Krystal (one of my best girlfriends as most of you know) will be celebrating her daughter Moriah's first birthday! I swear it seems like just a couple of months ago I was anxiously checking my phone every minute, waiting for the call that Moriah had made her appearance. These kids are growing too fast! But I digress. Here's what's been going on with us in the last few weeks:
Evelyn is no longer sitting in her baby tub anymore! She's sitting in the regular bathtub with Max now. I would post a picture of it, but I dropped my camera in the tub trying to get one and haven't wanted to destroy our back up camera too, so I've been keeping it out of the bathroom. Maybe I'll get some pictures later. Max loves having his sis in there with him and they both love splashing and making a huge mess of things.
Evelyn is also becoming more and more vocal. She is constantly squealing and screeching and laughing. She's also saying gaga, dada, and baba among other incoherent noises. I think she loves the sound of her own voice. Speaking of speech, Max is progressing quite well with his. He can now make the sound of pretty much every letter in the alphabet. He is even learning to read though this whole process. He can point at a letter and say what sound it makes. He's up to saying about 10 words now. His speech pathologist has been feeling really good about his progress. Since he's able to make all the sounds, we're going to be working on blending them together to make more words. He even said his first sentence on Monday- Bubbles up. Sure, it's only a 2-word sentence, but a sentence nonetheless. I was a proud mama.
That's about all that's been going on around here lately. We have FINALLY been getting some consistent sun, so we've been able to get outside a bit more. We even took Evelyn on her first hike! We also got a visit from Matt's sister Julia and our friend Frankie. We had a great weekend while they were here. We went to the market, had dinner at our favorite Ethiopian restaurant, got some shopping in and just hung out. I miss those girls so much and had such a great time with them! I was even more appreciative that they came when I found out Julia was SWAMPED with a bunch of stuff at work and Frankie was at the tail end of the process of buying a new house. Yet they came anyway. Thanks ladies!
I'll end for today with a super cute story. The other night I fed Evelyn and put her to bed as I usually do. Matt, Julia and I gave her kisses before I put her down for the night. Shortly after that, Max started getting really upset. He was crying and pointing toward the hallway. I saw that I had a bottle of water on the ledge where he was pointing, so I thought he was thirsty and offered it to him, but that wasn't it. I asked him to get up and show me what he wanted. He started walking toward the bathroom, so I asked him if he wanted a bath and he said no. He pointed to Evelyn's room so I figured he must need a diaper change (we have the changing table in her room), but he said no and even bent over so I could double check. Ha! Ha! Then he went into Evelyn's room. I was a little irritated since she was falling asleep and here he was crying in her room. Then I realized he was pointing at her crib. Then it dawned on me. I asked him if he wanted to give Evelyn a kiss good night. He nodded. So I lifted him up and dipped him in the crib to give his sister (who immediately put her arms up for him as soon as she saw him) a kiss. That was all he needed. He went to bed after that and my heart almost exploded from the sweetness of it all.
Apparently grass doesn't taste as good as it looks. |
Messing around at the zoo |
Daddy blowing bubbles with his little girl |
Hiking on a beautiful spring day |
Angel face |
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