As I've mentioned earlier, things continue to move full speed ahead for us. We hit the ground running when we got home from Las Vegas and we haven't slowed down since. My mom came to visit during her spring break not too long after we got home. It was a wonderful visit, but then again, every time my mom comes is wonderful. What is it about a visit from mom that just makes everything seem right in the world? Anyway, the kids had a great time with Grammy. We spend one beautiful, sunny day out in Sherwood, where the kids played with my mom, aunt and cousins while I had a nice, grown-up lunch with Becca for her 30th birthday. Then we went out to see the Tulip Festival. It was so gorgeous and there was so much for Max to see and do. He even went on a ride where he was put in a harness that was dangling from a long, mechanical arm and was bounced up and down on a trampoline. I was pretty nervous, but he had a blast. The kid has no fear. Other than that little trip, we mostly just took it easy, played outside, and did a little bit of shopping. Mom got to come and watch Max at one of his swim lessons. He just finished up about a week ago, but I think I'm going to have to sign him up for more. He loves the water. He was crying the first day because he wanted to get out and crying the last day because he wanted to get back in.
Flying high |
Mom and I with the kids |
Evelyn in her Griz colors |
Max showing off his summer 'do |
Max and I at swim lessons |
After mom left, Matt and I took the kids sledding up at Mount Hood. The weather couldn't have been more perfect. Max couldn't get enough- he would have been happy to keep sledding through the whole weekend. I can't wait until next year when Evelyn can get in on the action too. I have a feeling she'll be a little thrill seeker just like her brother.

That weekend was Easter, so we had "Uncle" Skip come over for dinner and egg dying on Saturday. The messiness involved with egg dying is right up Max's alley, so as you may have guessed, he had lots of fun. I think he loved squeezing the eggs until they cracked as much as he loved getting into the dye. On Easter Sunday, Matt hid the eggs outside and we sent Max out to hunt for them. He was really good at it too! He caught on pretty quickly as to what he was supposed to do and was running all over the yard tracking them down. Then we let the kids go through their Easter baskets and play with their new toys. That afternoon we went out to Sherwood again to have Easter dinner with my aunt, uncle, and cousins. My cousin Amy and her husband Trevor brought brisket that he smoked all night. Yum. It was a delicious dinner with wonderful company. My family is awesome! It was a great way to spend an Easter Sunday.
Having fun with Skip |
Hunting for eggs |
Look what I have! |
Max and Evelyn with cousins Rylie, Parker, Abbie and Logan |
And last, but certainly not least, we got a visit from Matt's mom Sue. Matt had to work most of the time she was here, but we did all get to go to a fish hatchery near the Bonneville dam. It was more fun than it sounds. Ha! Ha! There was a pool where Max got to feed salmon. Or was it trout? Either way, he loved it. We also went below ground to get a glimpse of at 10 foot, 400 pound sturgeon. It was UGLY, but pretty interesting to watch. Sue and I later took advantage of another beautiful sunny day to go to the Portland Market downtown with the kids and met family friends Jimmy and Julie. It was so nice to shop, relax, listen to some music and eat some tasty and greasy food. It was a great visit and I'm so glad we got enough sunshine to actually get outside for a bit.
The kids with Grandma downtown at the Market |
She was too distracted by all the activity to focus on eating |
That look usually means he's up to something |
So April and May (so far) have been crazy busy, fun, exciting, and somewhat overwhelming. But we're loving life and are looking forward to more great times. Coming up: A visit from Julia and Frankie!
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