Monday, August 20, 2012

Our Little Chatterbox

Just before Max's third birthday, he was re-evaluated by his speech therapist, Margo.  He has come so far over the last year.  He passed the tests with flying colors and Margo said that had he been tested for the first time now,  he wouldn't have qualified for speech services.  However, there are a few minor things that he could still use help with,  so we had the option of continuing speech therapy or ending it.  After giving it quite a bit of thought, we decided to continue with the speech therapy.  We decided that we wanted him to be as prepared as possible when he started school, so more speech therapy certainly wouldn't hurt.  Sadly though, we had to say goodbye to Margo.  Max is at an age now where he has to attend speech in a class setting instead of having a therapist come to our home as Margo had been doing.  I am so incredibly grateful to Margo for all she has done to help our little Max.  It was hard to see her go.  Fortunately though, Max loves his new teacher, Jenny, and loves going to "school" every week.  I'm very happy we chose to have the therapy and amazed at how much Max has learned in the last year.  In that short time he went from only having a handful of words to having a vocabulary that is advanced for his age.  He rarely stops talking and I love it.  I have so much respect for the speech therapists and the work they do. 

The kids with Margo.  Her hard work and patience played a big part in Max's speech evolution.

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