Friday, November 16, 2012

Halloween 2012

After Evelyn's birthday, we began the countdown to Halloween.  The next weekend I ran the Run Like Hell again.  I was going to bring the kids and had even registered Max for the Kids Half Mile fun run, but they were both a little under the weather, so I decided to go without them.  I was pretty bummed about not being able to put them in their super hero outfits (the theme this year) and watch Max do his run, but I wanted them healthy and happy for Halloween.  I ran with my friend Dani and her friend Abby, who just ran the same marathon as Matt and Julia.  I was pretty nervous about that since I am really not fast, but she was great and kept us going at a decent pace.  I finished in my best time yet!
Dani and I

Abbie (super runner), Dani and I
That day was also my mom's birthday, so we did a little shopping and I made her a birthday dinner.  I'm grateful to have such an awesome mom who would spend her b-day morning watching sick kids while I went for a run.  Thanks mom!

For the rest of mom's visit, we just relaxed and had fun.  We made "monsters" out of TP rolls, baked and decorated cookies (a tradition with Grammy), and carved pumpkins.  My dad was also able to come out for a few days to see the kids, which they were pretty excited about.

Max's monster


Max wanted me to take off my special pumpkin carving hat

Mom and Dad with the kids
Unfortunately, my parents had to get back home a few days before Halloween, but we still had lots of fun.  I have been helping out a little bit at Max's preschool and went in to help on Halloween.  All the kids were so darn cute in their little costumes!  I got to bring Evelyn along with me too, which she was so excited about.  This year Max was a pirate, Evelyn was a hula girl (we got a cute outfit for her in Hawaii) and I was a cat.  Creative, I know.  That night we took the kids out trick-or-treating.  They had so much fun going around the neighborhood getting candy and seeing all the decorations people put up!  Evelyn was perfecting her candy-grabbing techniques.  If someone dared only offer her one piece, she would ask for more and she always got it.  She's such a little diva.  Skip was able to come over and go trick-or-treating with us.  His birthday was the next day, so we baked him a cake to celebrate.  Needless to say, everyone was in a sugar coma the next day.
Max's class

The boys

The girls

Hula girl and pirate

Another failed attempt to get a cute photo with the kids

This is me giving up
Our cake for Skip!  Try not to be jealous of my decorating skills
Once again we had an amazing October!  I'm already excited to do it again next year. 

The World According to Maximilian

One of the fun things about having small children is listening to the things they say.  My kids, like many other their ages, have no filters and pretty much ramble all day from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed.  Her are just  few snippetsThe kids' quotes are in bold. 

- Hi Moon!  I'm Max.  I love you!
- Here Mommy.  Let me help you up so I can jump on your head.  Um, thanks?

- Ladies don't have boobs.  Only big girls.  Just like Mommy.  So I'm a big girl and NOT a lady.  He sure knows how to make a girl feel special. 

- When Evelyn gets bigger she'll grow a penis. Yeah, I'll explain that one to him later.

- I'm just talking to my friend Daddy.
- Christmas is when the Easter Bunny comes and turns into Santa
- Stop singing, mommy.  Just let the car singI guess I can no longer sing along with the radio in the car anymore.  I knew this day would come.  'sigh'
- Mommy, Daddy likes football, but you don't like football and that's ok.  He catches on quick

And her are a couple contributions from Evelyn:
- Oopsie Daisy Spaghettios!

I'm sure there will be many more to come.   Stay tuned.

My little entertainers


Thursday, November 15, 2012

My Baby Girl is 2!

I can't believe it's already been two years since Evelyn came into the world!  And what a wonderful two years it's been.  It's been a roller coaster for sure- Evelyn likes to keep us on our toes, but I wouldn't change a moment of it.  We had a pretty mellow celebration for her, but I think she still had a very fun and special day.  My mom came to visit and we took the kids to the Children's Museum to start the day.  They played in all the different rooms (grocery store, vet clinic, construction zone), the water area, digging room and more.  We all had a pretty good time.
At the "grocery store"

And the Vet's office

Little builder

So much to explore!

On stage

The water room!

So much fun to be had!
That evening, our friends Skip and Becca came over to help us celebrate.  We played, opened presents and had cake.  As I said, it was simple, but Evelyn seemed really happy.
Her first sucker.  She wasn't sure what to make of it

Max got to open a present too.

We were really happy Becca and Skip were able to join us!

New bike!

The cake

The baby years are officially behind me.  It's bittersweet.  But it's been a joy to watch these little ones grow.  They've made me happy beyond measure.  I look forward to all the birthdays to come!

A Letter to my Precious Girl

My darling Evelyn-

Last month you officially made the transition from baby to little girl.  I can't believe how fast the last two years have gone.  I'll never forget the day you were born.  When you were laid on my chest for the first time and looked at me with those beautiful blue eyes of yours, I felt a peace that I've never felt before.  Holding you and seeing that you were healthy and perfect made my heart swell.  You made our family complete.  I won't forget any of those first moments- the sound of your cries, the softness of your little head, the way you felt curled up to me and my love for you that filled every inch of that hospital room and beyond.  I couldn't take my eyes off of you.

Over the last two years, you have kept us on our toes.  You have shown us from day one that you are an independent, stubborn, strong and intelligent little girl and I love that about you.  You are tough as nails, but still so sweet and loving.  I can rest easy at night knowing you will always march through life confidently with your head held high.  Don't ever lose that spirit.  Your sweet, bold laugh brings a smile to my face every time I hear it.  Your dad and I couldn't have asked for a better daughter and you have been the perfect sister and best friend to Max.  You have brought a joy to our lives that I can't express in words. 

I will devote the rest of my life to being the mom you deserve.  I will love and support you in all you do.  I am your biggest fan will always be in your corner.  I look forward to seeing what you accomplish in life and sharing all the moments, both good and bad, with you.  There will be laughter and tears and I'll make sure my hand will be there to hold when you need it for a long as I live. 

I love you little girl.  With all my heart and soul.  Thank you for lighting up my life.


The most amazing girl I've ever met

We Love Pumpkin Patches!

We REALLY love pumpkin patches.  Fortunately there is no shortage of pumpkin patches around these parts, so we have plenty of opportunities to partake in some fall fun.  The first one we went to this year was with Max's playgroup friends at Bauman Farms.  Sadly, it was the first rainy day of an otherwise perfect fall season,  so the kids spent most of the time inside playing on hay bales.  But they didn't know any better and had a blast anyway.  I also have to brag for a moment once again about my brave little princess.  There was a slide (I'm cursing myself for not taking a picture of it) that was an extremely long tube propped up against a tall pile of hay bales.  My slide-loving boy just had to go down it even though the thought made me nervous.  I only saw big kids going on it and one small kid (but still bigger than Max) going down with his dad.  But I let him go anyway.  It was safe and there wasn't anywhere he could have fallen off.  But once Evelyn saw her big brother heading up the LONG flight of stairs to the top, she of course wanted to go to.  Eventually I let her go after the parent of the small kid offered to follow her up the stairs to make sure she didn't fall backward.  I remember thinking I was crazy to say yes, but figured if she chickened out I could just run up and grab her.  But she did it!  I could hear her squealing with joy the whole way down and she immediately wanted to go again.  That girl has no fear.  But back to the rest of the day...
Not too into getting their picture taken

Another small slide

So excited!

He seemed determined to bury his sister in hay

Mini maze!

Fun, fun, fun

Not too excited about getting a picture with mom

I love these little darlings


Matt signed up for the Zombie Apocalypse run this year that was at a pumpkin patch in the middle of nowhere.  Matt got chased by zombies for 5K while the kids and I played.  He finished quickly without getting both of his flags stolen by zombies and joined us.  There were fun games, a petting zoo, good food and a live band.  Of course we had a blast!
Off go the "survivors".  They got a 2 minute head start before the zombies were released

Watching the action

I'm not sure which was scarier- the zombies or Evelyn's hairdo

"This train is small like me!"

He made it!

Old tractor.  Max loved it!

A couple of zombies

Apple fries.  Need I say more?

Zombie bride

He wanted to bring it home

Headed to the top of the slide


Kids got to go inside the this and play with the balloons that were flying around

Our last pumpkin patch visit was at the Wooden Shoe tulip farm.  We got to go through a corn maze, shoot arrows, watch pumpkins shoot out of a cannon, ride a train, and go on a hayride. 
The pipe slide.  Not comfortable at all.

Tractor swing!


Giant spider web!


Evelyn and Grammy

Hi Grammy!

Evelyn helping daddy

The pouty princess of the pumpkin patch

Pumpkin cannon!

Matt trying out the lasso
As I've mentioned before, I LOVE the fall.  October is always such a blast!  I love that there is so much to do with the kids and that we get to create so many fun memories.  I hope the kids continue to have as much fun as they've had the last couple of years and that they never outgrow going to pumpkin patches!