Monday, August 20, 2012

Spring Fun

While it seems as though there's never a dull moment around here, things did slow down a bit after we got back from our delightful Hawaii trip.  Spring '12 was filled with Easter surprises, play dates, grandmother visits, gardening and fun at the beach.  Not to mention one very special little boy's birthday, which I will devote my next blog to. 

Once again we spent Easter with my aunt Sue, uncle Bill and my cousins and their kids.  And once again we had a blast!  Easter was even more fun this year since the kids were able to be a bit more involved with coloring the eggs and were so excited that the Easter Bunny came by and hid them at night AND left a few surprises in Easter baskets for them.  So much fun!

Coloring the eggs

Look what the Easter Bunny left!

Evelyn and Amy

Abbie, Rylie, Max and Logan

Uncle Bill and Max

Evelyn's first convertible ride

As for the rest of our spring, we just relaxed and had fun! 

Grammy stayed with us for a week after Max's birthday

I'm not sure what they were looking at...

My rhinestone cowgirl

When you're 3, bubbles are pretty much the coolest things ever

Play date at Ryder's house.  So much fun!

Evelyn was determined to ride this bike...

...but it didn't end well

The boys

Matt and Max, ready to do some yard work

Evelyn was ready to pitch in too

Evelyn LOVES books.  And pulling them all off Max's bookshelf

Beach beauty!

Sea Lions!

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